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Ship supporting equipment Chinese brands need self-improvement

Release Time:2023/11/29
Publish Author:admin
Number Of Visitors:115

 Since entering the new century, China's shipbuilding industry has achieved leapfrog development, has become the world's largest shipbuilding country, while the formation of a huge ship supporting market, but also led to the rapid development of China's ship supporting industry. At present, the annual output value of China's ship supporting industry has reached hundreds of billions of yuan, the main supporting equipment production increased year by year, supporting products system gradually improved for China's shipbuilding industry and the development of the shipping industry to provide strong support. But at the same time, we must also see that the international competitiveness of China's ship supporting industry is still relatively small, the strength of the independent brand is weak, in order to achieve the goal of strengthening is still a long way to go. It is worth noting that in recent years, China's ship supporting equipment business has assumed the national responsibility to grow stronger, has initially formed our own brand development mode of ship with, and fruitful.


  Development mode to the combination of independent research and development and manufacturing type change


Ship supporting industry is an important part of the modern shipbuilding industry, ship equipment in the overall ship turnover occupies a fairly high proportion. At present, China's ship supporting capacity is still not well enough to meet the needs of the shipbuilding industry, especially in the field of high-tech ships and marine engineering equipment, the localization of the supporting rate of less than 30%, compared with Japan, South Korea, more than 90% of the supporting level is still a big gap, which also shows that the manufacturing capacity of China's ship supporting equipment and the market to develop a great deal of space for development. In recent years, in the national “shipbuilding industry restructuring and revitalization plan” “Made in China 2025” and other policies under the guidance of China's ship supporting industries continue to enhance independent research and development capabilities, a large number of key equipment, key product development breakthroughs, especially in the field of communication and navigation equipment and other areas have formed a certain competitive advantage. The development mode of China's ship supporting industry is changing from the introduction of technology manufacturing to the combination of independent research and development and manufacturing, and the road of independent brand of Beijing Hilanxin Data Science & Technology Co.

Communication and navigation equipment and control system is one of the most important links in the ship supporting, but also long-term impact on the healthy development of China's shipbuilding industry is the main bottleneck and short board. At present, China's shipbuilding industry is in a critical transition period of accelerated development, and it has become one of the important tasks for the development of China's shipbuilding industry to promote the localization of independent communication and navigation equipment. Since its establishment in 2001, HILANSEN has insisted on taking the road of independent research and development, and has successively independently developed shipboard voyage data recorder (VDR), ship remote monitoring and management system (VMS), ship's steering gear (SCS), ship's electronic integrated system (VEIS), electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS), navigational radar (RADAR), bridge navigational watch alarm system (BNWAS) and other navigation equipment in China. In 2013, HELANSON independently developed and launched the Smart Bridge. In 2013, HILANXIN independently developed and launched the Smart Bridge Integrated Navigation System, which was certified by China Classification Society (CCS) as the first case in the world. 2015, HILANXIN launched the Hi-Cloud Ship Remote Information Service System on the basis of Ship & Shore+Internet to start the ship intelligentization track. During the fifteen years since its establishment, HILANSEN has introduced new products almost every year, and realized the development from a single independent product to a series of product suppliers, and then to a high-tech system integration service provider; from a single ocean-going merchant ship to the whole field of merchant ships, official ships, fishing vessels, offshore vessels, ships, as well as the physical ocean, marine exploration, marine surveying and mapping, and underwater engineering; from the field of nautical intelligence to the field of maritime information technology; from civilian products to military products; and from civilian products to military products, and from civilian products to military products, and from civilian products to military products. The field of marine intelligentization has expanded to the field of marine informatization; and from civilian products mainly and military standards as a supplement to military and civilian products, it has made four far-reaching changes.


  A number of products independently researched and developed by HILANXIN not only fill the gaps in China's ship supporting industry, but also stand out in the field of marine intelligence and marine informationization, and build up the international image of Chinese brand, thus winning the trust of the market and the favor of users. Recently, on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the establishment of HILANSEN, Dong Qiang, Chairman of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC), and Ren Yuanlin, Chairman of Jiangsu Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Group (YJSG), the two giants of the domestic shipbuilding industry representing both centralized enterprises and private enterprises, sent congratulatory letters respectively. Dong Qiang pointed out that over the years, HILANXIN has followed the R&D concept of independent research and development and international cooperation to create first-class, independently researched and developed high-end series of products, broken the pattern of international monopoly, and become the supplier of independent brand and service provider of system integration, which has formed an important influence in the domestic and international industry and established a pivotal position in the industry. Ren Yuanlin also praised HILANXIN's products for standing out in the fierce international competition, not only reaching the international first-class technical level, but also having the advantage in price, improving the procurement environment of shipyards and breaking the foreign monopoly. HILANXIN is a rare outstanding private and listed company in the field of China's marine electronics and exploring the effective path for the development of China's shipfitting enterprises.


  Intelligence, informationization and globalization have become the important symbols of a strong shipbuilding country.

  The main ship equipment is basically based on domestic, is an important symbol of shipbuilding power. The 13th Five-Year Plan is a key period for China to build a strong shipbuilding country, and also an important strategic opportunity for the transformation and upgrading of China's ship supporting industry. In order to expeditiously improve China's ship equipment supporting capacity and level, to better meet the needs of shipping and shipbuilding, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has recently released the “Ship Supporting Industry Capacity Enhancement Action Plan 2016-2020”. According to the plan, by 2020, China will fully master the core technology of the ventilation and intelligent systems and equipment, with strong international competitiveness of branded products; strive to 2025 localized marine equipment average ship loading rate of 85% or more, to become the world's major marine equipment manufacturing power.


The main ship equipment is basically based on domestic, is an important symbol of shipbuilding power. The 13th Five-Year Plan is a key period for China to build a strong shipbuilding country, and also an important strategic opportunity for the transformation and upgrading of China's ship supporting industry. In order to expeditiously improve China's ship equipment supporting capacity and level, to better meet the needs of shipping and shipbuilding, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has recently released the “Ship Supporting Industry Capacity Enhancement Action Plan 2016-2020”. According to the plan, by 2020, China will fully grasp the core technology of ventilation and intelligent systems and equipment, with strong international competitiveness of brand products; strive to 2025 localized marine equipment average ship loading rate of 85% or more, to become the world's major marine equipment manufacturing power.

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